HFS logo (640x437) (320x219) (100x68).jpg


Serving Veterans of Central & Northern NY & the Mohawk Valley

(Onondaga, Oswego, Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Oneida, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis & St Lawrence Counties)


Please note:  Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are MANDATORY.  The form cannot be submitted unless those fields are filled in.

If you hit <SUBMIT> and nothing appears to happen, it probably means that one of the mandatory fields is not filled in.  Please scroll through the application - there will be an error message next to any incomplete items.



I acknowledge and agree that:

1.        As photographic and video equipment are frequently used to memorialize and document Honor Flight trips and events, I understand images of Volunteers may appear in a public forum, such as the media or on a website, to acknowledge, promote or advance the work of Honor Flight.

2.        I hereby release the photographer and Honor Flight from all claims and liability relating to said photographs.  I hereby give permission for my images captured during Honor Flight activities through video, photo or other media to be used solely for the purposes of Honor Flight promotions and publications, and waive any rights of compensations or ownership thereto.

I further acknowledge that medical insurance is the responsibility of the Volunteer and I understand that neither Honor Flight nor the provider of aircraft (“Flight Provider”) provides medical care.  I understand that I accept all risks associated with travel and other Honor Flight activities and will not hold Honor Flight, the Flight Provider, or any person appearing or quoted in any advertisement or public service announcement for or on behalf of Honor Flight responsible for any injuries I may incur while participating in the Honor Flight program.



We are highly sensitive to the privacy interests of our supporters and believe that the protection of those interests is one of our most significant responsibilities. In acknowledgment of its obligations, we have adopted the following Privacy Policy applicable to information about supporters that we acquire in the course of our activities:

1. Acquisition of Information. We do not acquire any more information about supporters than is required by law or is otherwise necessary to provide a high level of service efficiently and securely.

2. Our Volunteers and Privacy. We train all of our volunteers about the importance of privacy. We give access to information about consumers only to those volunteers who require it to perform their jobs.

3. Security Measures. We make access to privacy-sensitive information subject to rigorous procedural and technological controls, consistent with legal requirements and the demands of customer service.

4. Disclosure to Third Parties. We will provide individually-identifiable information about consumers to third parties only if we are compelled to do so by order of a duly-empowered governmental authority, we have your express permission, or it is necessary to process transactions and provide our services.

5. Privacy and Our Business Partners. When we make our technology or services available to business partners, we will not share with them any more supporter information than is necessary, and we will make every reasonable effort to assure, by contract or otherwise, that they use our technology and services in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.