Donations directly support our efforts to create safer biking and walking for everyone in South Carolina.
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Your donation provides essential support for our advocacy efforts and allows us to build on these recent successes for safer bicycling and walking in South Carolina. This past year, we:
Hosted the 2023 SC BikeWalkTrails Summit, networking and educating 125 professionals statewide,
Successfully advocated for adoption of the following SCDOT policies and plans, through coalition advocacy with our SC Livable Communities Alliance: Departmental Directive for Complete Streets, an overarching policy
An updated Highway Design Manual with an updated Complete Streets section
An updated Engineering Directive 22, providing 4’ shoulders for East Coast Greenway and 6 cross state bike routes, and enabling more bike lanes;
An updated Traffic Engineering Guideline 38, expanding opportunities for new and improved crosswalks.
new Bike/Ped Safety Action Plan,
soon to be new SCDOT commission Policy 3, which increases SCDOT investment in sidewalks on state roads
Formalized our response to local calls for advocacy assistance, by launching our Livable Streets Academy,
Participated in more SCDOT Road Safety Audits,
Published our Funding Guide, Edition 2, to help all SC communities leverage more funding for bike and walk infrastructure
Advanced legislative initiatives, including: Hands Free bills, Trails Easement bill, DUI Ignition Interlock bill, Carolina Squat bill, and others